At E-GAP, we aim to achieve precise objectives capable of returning a public benefit to the community:
E-GAP Italia è Società Benefit.
We contribute to the creation and dissemination of a culture of sustainable energy use, enhancing the choice of sustainable forms of mobility, actively contributing to the energy transition.
We accompany customers and partners towards a wiser use of energy and greater respect for the environment in carrying out their activities, initiating fair and transparent collaborations with them, and offering quality products and services in line with their needs to make the lifestyle and habits of the entire community more sustainable.
We make workplaces suitable for the harmonious development of the individual in the workplace, safeguarding – in relations with our employees and collaborators – diversity and integration as valuable resources and ensuring a fair and transparent treatment that guarantees equal opportunities for growth.
United Nations Global Compact
At E-GAP, we have joined the UN Global Compact, a voluntary initiative promoted by the United Nations, which embraces the project of building a healthy and sustainable global economic framework from which all can benefit. To this end, the UN Global Compact requires participating companies and organisations to share, support and enforce within their sphere of influence a set of core principles relating to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
Women Empowerment Principles
In February 2022, we signed and adopted the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as part of our commitment to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace and business practices.
We must work together to ensure a genuinely inclusive, safe and productive work environment for all our employees. We should all support the shared values of gender equality and women’s empowerment. This is also good for our company’s sustainability, innovation, and productivity.
To learn more about WEPs, visit